
object Dungeon

In this class everything Dungeon map related is dispatched. It is also used to post various dungeon related events to be used within the Modules.

Based on FunnyMap by Harry282.




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@JvmName(name = "getCurrentRoomFromCoordinates")
fun getCurrentRoom(): Room?

Returns the room the player is currently in. Includes boss room.

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fun getDungeonTabList(): List<Pair<NetworkPlayerInfo, String>>?
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@JvmName(name = "getDungeonTileDefault")
fun getDungeonTile(column: Int, row: Int): Tile?

Gets the corresponding Tile from dungeonList but first performs a check whether the indices are in range.

inline fun <T : Tile> getDungeonTile(column: Int, row: Int): T?

Gets the corresponding Tile from dungeonList but first performs a check whether the indices are in range. It is attempted to cast the Tile to T, if not possible returns null.

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@JvmName(name = "getDungeonTileListDefault")
fun getDungeonTileList(): List<Tile?>

Returns the dungeonList as an immutable List.

inline fun <T : Tile> getDungeonTileList(): List<T>

Returns the dungeonList filtered for the supplied Tile Type.

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fun onChat(event: ClientChatReceivedEvent)
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Update visited rooms when room is changed. This event is posted whenever you, the Player, change the Tile you are in.

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fun onTick(event: TickEvent.ClientTickEvent)
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fun onWorldLoad(event: WorldEvent.Unload)
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fun reset()

Rests most of the dungeon properties. Other properties which are not reset here are reset in onWorlLoad.

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fun setDungeonTile(column: Int, row: Int, tile: Tile?): Boolean

Sets the corresponding value from dungeonList but first performs a check whether the indices are in range.


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var cryptCount: Int = 0
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var currentRoomPair: Pair<Room, Int>? = null

Contains the current room and its rotation. Updated every tick. The rotation is based on the clipConfig. For extras Block rotations refer to Extras.currentExtrasRoom.

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Contains all the teammates in the current dungeon. Also contains the Player.

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var fullyScanned: Boolean = false
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var hasRunStarted: Boolean = false
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var inBoss: Boolean = false
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var mimicFound: Boolean = false
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const val roomSize: Int = 32
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const val startX: Int
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const val startZ: Int
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var totalSecrets: Int = 0
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var witherDoors: Int = 0