
class Room(val x: Int, val z: Int, var data: RoomData) : Tile


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fun Room(x: Int, z: Int, configData: RoomConfigData)
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fun Room(x: Int, z: Int, data: RoomData)


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open override val color: Color
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val column: Int

Column in the dungeonList

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var core: Int? = null

Core of this tile.

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var isSeparator: Boolean = false
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var isUnique: Boolean = false

Marks this tile as "unique". Unique is only relevant for rooms consisting of multiple tiles. All 1x1 rooms are unique by default. For rooms with multiple tiles the first Tile in Dungeon.dungeonList will be the unique one. This corresponds to the most west and north tile of a room. (west prioritized over north) The unique tile is the one which has the checkmark on the map.

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val row: Int

Row in the duneonList.

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var scanned: Boolean = true
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var visited: Boolean = false
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val x: Int
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val z: Int