
class DungeonPlayer(var player: EntityPlayer, var name: String, var fakeEntity: Boolean = false)

Class to store information about dungeon teammates. The Player will also be handled in this way as a teammate.

This class also contains methods to update and track teammate data. updatePlayerAndRoom handles updating the found secrets on the map.




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fun DungeonPlayer(player: EntityPlayer, name: String, fakeEntity: Boolean = false)


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suspend fun fetchTotalSecretsFromApi(oldRoom: Room? = null): Int?

Fetches the total collected secrets for the player from the API. Run this with the IO dispatcher Dispatchers.IO.

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fun updatePlayerAndRoom(decor: Map<String, Vec4b>?)

Updates the teammates position and the secrets in the room they are in.


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Gets the room this DungeonPlayer is currently in. Does not include boss room. This method is meant to be used to track the position of the dungeon teammates and not the Player.

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var dead: Boolean = false
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var deaths: Int = 0
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var fakeEntity: Boolean = false

True when the field player is not the correct entity corresponding to this Player.

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var mapX: Double = 0.0
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var mapZ: Double = 0.0
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var player: EntityPlayer
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var secretsAtRunStart: Int? = null
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Maps the index of the tile in Dungeon.dungeonList to the count of ticks the player spent in that Tile. The key -1 is used for time spent dead in clear.

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var yaw: Float = 0.0f