
This object handles all the modules of the mod.

After making a Module it just has to be added to the modules list and everything else will be taken care of automatically. This entails:

  • It will be added to the click gui in the order it is put in here. But keep in mind that the category is set within the module. The comments here are only for readability.

  • All settings that are registered within the module will be saved to and loaded from the module config. For this to properly work remember to register the settings to the module.

  • The module will be registered and unregistered to the forge eventbus when it is enabled / disabled.

  • The module will be informed of its keybind presses.



See also


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Handles the key binds for the modules. Note that the custom event fired in the minecraft mixin is used here and not the forge event. That is done to run this code before the vanilla minecraft code.

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Handles the key binds for the modules. Note that the custom event fired in the minecraft mixin is used here and not the forge event. That is done to run this code before the vanilla minecraft code.

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Creates a new keybind module and adds it to the list.

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Initialize the Modules. This is run on game startup during the FMLInitializationEvent.

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Loads in all modules and their elements.

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All modules have to be added to this list to function!