
abstract class Setting<T>(val name: String, val visibility: Visibility = Visibility.VISIBLE, var description: String? = null) : ReadWriteProperty<Module, T> , PropertyDelegateProvider<Module, ReadWriteProperty<Module, T>>

The super class that all Module Settings for the gui and config should inherit from.

See Module for instructions on how to use settings.

This class provides support for delegation to Settings. Delegating to a Setting will register it to the Module from which you are delegating a property to the Setting. If you do not want this to happen use the DoNotRegister annotation.

To avoid nullability you can use DummySetting instead of null.




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fun Setting(name: String, visibility: Visibility = Visibility.VISIBLE, description: String? = null)


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object Companion

This companion object provides extension functions for the Setting classes.


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open operator override fun getValue(thisRef: Module, property: KProperty<*>): T

This method acts as the getter for the property delegated to this class.

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open operator override fun provideDelegate(thisRef: Module, property: KProperty<*>): ReadWriteProperty<Module, T>

This operator provides the Delegate to the Setting.

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open fun reset()

Sets value to default.

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open operator override fun setValue(thisRef: Module, property: KProperty<*>, value: T)

This method acts as the setter for the property delegated to this class.


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abstract val default: T

The default for value.

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var description: String? = null
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var processInput: (T) -> T

Can be set to add a setting specific restraint / extra action when setting the new value.

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Returns whether this setting should be visible based on visibilityDependency. Is true by default. Use withDependency to change this behavior.

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abstract var value: T

This is the main field used to store the state of the setting. There can be additional properties for managing the state in the implementations.

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