
class ActionSetting(name: String, visibility: Visibility = Visibility.VISIBLE, description: String? = null, val default: () -> Unit = {}) : Setting<() -> Unit>

A clickable setting for Modules that runs code on click.

Represented by a button in the GUI which when clicked will invoke value.




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fun ActionSetting(name: String, visibility: Visibility = Visibility.VISIBLE, description: String? = null, default: () -> Unit = {})


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fun doAction()
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open operator override fun getValue(thisRef: Module, property: KProperty<*>): () -> Unit

This method acts as the getter for the property delegated to this class.

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open operator override fun provideDelegate(thisRef: Module, property: KProperty<*>): ReadWriteProperty<Module, () -> Unit>

This operator provides the Delegate to the Setting.

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open fun reset()

Sets value to default.

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open operator override fun setValue(thisRef: Module, property: KProperty<*>, value: () -> Unit)

This method acts as the setter for the property delegated to this class.


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var action: () -> Unit
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open override val default: () -> Unit

The default for value.

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var processInput: (() -> Unit) -> () -> Unit

Can be set to add a setting specific restraint / extra action when setting the new value.

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Returns whether this setting should be visible based on visibilityDependency. Is true by default. Use withDependency to change this behavior.

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open override var value: () -> Unit

This is the main field used to store the state of the setting. There can be additional properties for managing the state in the implementations.

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