Adds all settings in the input to the settings field of the module. This is required for saving and loading these settings to / from a file. Keep in mind, that these settings are passed by reference, which will get lost if the original setting is reassigned.
Called by the EntityRendererMixin when it redirects the blindness check.
Referenced in the EntityPlayer Mixin to determine whether the head in block should be forced to be false. This affects the perspective toggle in a block, the overlay and suffocation damage.
Referenced by the CarpetMixin to determine whether the bounding box should be set to 0.
Triggers the module initialization.
Loads self registering elements of the module such as hud elements.
Referenced by the PaneMixin to determine whether the collision box should be shrunk.
This method will be run on the FMLLoadCompleteEvent on game startup after the config is loaded.
Referenced by the EntityPlayerSPMixin to determine whether the player should be pushed out of a block
Referenced by the ItemRenderer Mixin to determine whether the fire overlay should be rendered.