Package-level declarations


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Automatically click left when held down. No Carpel Tunnel!

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object AutoHarp : Module

Module to automatically do the Melody's Harp minigame.

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Module to automatically get the bonus form the Fagnarock axe when activating the Withercloak sword.

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Module that makes you always sprint.

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Module aimed to provide everything needed to automatically swap weapons to use the abilities of other weapons while attacking with a melee weapon.

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Cancels block interactions to allow for items to be used.

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A modules meant for removing spammy messages from chat.

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A config module with the purpose to offer finer control over the auto clip behaviour.

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This module will automatically solve Enchanting mini-games. So for it will do the Chronomatron and Supersequencer.

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object FastMine : Module

This module makes blocks break faster.

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Set blocks to air client side

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Module aimed to allow for as much actions from the inventory as possible without flagging.

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A macro to automatically open all jerry boxes in the inventory.

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object QOL : Module

Collection of general qol features.

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object Salvage : Module

A module aimed to automatically click the correct items in the Salvage gui. It offers a lot of customization for which items are to be salvaged.

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This module is made to automatically click chests when looking at them in Dungeons (Pairs nicely with Stonk Delay), Might be nice to make this a mod in secret aura

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object SellGarbo : Module

This module is aimed at automatically selling all the items which are generally deemed useless when you enter any trades menu. It provides a lot of customization as to which items should be sold.

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Spams right click when holding down RMB wile terminator in hand. STOP CARPEL TUNNEL!