
abstract class HudElement

Provides functionality for game overlay elements.




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fun HudElement(module: Module, xDefault: Int = 0, yDefault: Int = 0, width: Int = 10, height: Int = 10, defaultScale: Double = 1.0)

Sets up a hud Element. This constructor takes care of creating the NumberSettings required to save the position and scale of the hud element to the config.

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fun HudElement(xHud: NumberSetting, yHud: NumberSetting, width: Int = 10, height: Int = 10, scale: NumberSetting)

It is advised to use the other constructor unless this one is required.


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fun onOverlay(event: RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post)

This will initiate the hud render and translate to the correct position and scale.

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abstract fun renderHud()

Override this method in your implementations.

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Used for moving the hud element. Draws a rectangle in place of the actual element

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open fun resetElement()

Resets the position of this hud element by setting the value of xSett and ySett to their default.

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open fun scroll(amount: Int)

Handles scroll wheel action for this element. Can be overridden in implementation.


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var height: Int
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var width: Int
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var x: Int

Use these instead of a direct reference to the NumberSetting

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var y: Int


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