
abstract class EntityRendererMixin : IResourceManagerReloadListener

EntityRenderer is the class which dispatches all rendering actions.

It also handles things like setting up the camera and effects. Entities are rendered in RenderGlobal.

The mixins in here are used for FreeCam, Camera, ChestEsp, QOL, InvActions.




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open fun cameraDistance(instance: Vec3, vec: Vec3): Double
Used to enable the camera to clip though walls in third person view.
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open fun onEndWorldRender(partialTicks: Float, nanoTime: Long, ci: CallbackInfo)
Used to signal that the world rendering process is done.
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abstract fun onResourceManagerReload(resourceManager: IResourceManager)
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open fun onSetCameraAngle(instance: EntityPlayerSP, yaw: Float, pitch: Float)
Redirects the camera orientation to be used to only orient the camera without rotating the player characters head.
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open fun onStartWorldRender(partialTicks: Float, nanoTime: Long, ci: CallbackInfo)
Used to signal that the world rendering process is starting.
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open fun shouldBeBlind(instance: EntityLivingBase, potionIn: Potion): Boolean
Used to prevent the blindness effect from rendering.
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open fun shouldMoveMouse(instance: Minecraft): Boolean
Overrides the flag which prevents the camera from moving when in a gui.
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open fun tweakMouseOver(instance: WorldClient, entity: Entity, axisAlignedBB: AxisAlignedBB, predicate: Predicate<Entity>): List<Entity>
Ensures that the player cannot interact with their own character when in Freecam.
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open fun tweakRenderViewEntity(instance: Minecraft): Entity
Tweak the renderViewEntity for FreeCam.
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open fun tweakRenderViewEntity2(instance: Minecraft): Entity
Tweak the renderViewEntity for FreeCam.
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open fun tweakRenderViewEntityMouseOver(instance: Minecraft): Entity
Adjust what the player is looking at when in Freecam.
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open fun tweakThirdPersonDistance(instance: EntityRenderer): Float
Tweaks the third person view distance of the camera.
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open fun tweakThirdPersonDistanceTemp(instance: EntityRenderer): Float
Tweaks the third person view distance of the camera.