
abstract class RenderGlobalMixin : IWorldAccess, IResourceManagerReloadListener


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abstract fun broadcastSound(soundID: Int, pos: BlockPos, data: Int)
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abstract fun markBlockForUpdate(pos: BlockPos)
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abstract fun markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(x1: Int, y1: Int, z1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int, z2: Int)
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abstract fun notifyLightSet(pos: BlockPos)
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abstract fun onEntityAdded(entityIn: Entity)
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abstract fun onEntityRemoved(entityIn: Entity)
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abstract fun onResourceManagerReload(resourceManager: IResourceManager)
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abstract fun playAuxSFX(player: EntityPlayer, sfxType: Int, blockPosIn: BlockPos, data: Int)
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abstract fun playRecord(recordName: String, blockPosIn: BlockPos)
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abstract fun playSound(soundName: String, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, volume: Float, pitch: Float)
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abstract fun playSoundToNearExcept(except: EntityPlayer, soundName: String, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, volume: Float, f: Float)
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abstract fun sendBlockBreakProgress(breakerId: Int, pos: BlockPos, progress: Int)
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abstract fun spawnParticle(yOffset: Int, ignoreRange: Boolean, xCoord: Double, yCoord: Double, zCoord: Double, xOffset: Double, d: Double, e: Double, is: Array<Int>)
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open fun tweakViewEntity(instance: Minecraft): Entity