
object Utils

A general collection of utility functions.

This is the place for all the utility functions that do not (yet) have their own class files for a category.




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fun String.containsOneOf(options: List<String>, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean
fun String.containsOneOf(options: Set<String>, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean

Test whether the String contains one of the stings in the list.

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fun dungeonTeammateWithClass(targetClass: String, allowSelf: Boolean = false): DungeonPlayer?

Returns the first dungeon Teammate with the chose class. Or null if not found / dead

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fun Any?.equalsOneOf(vararg other: Any): Boolean

Checks whether any of the inputs in other fulfils structural equality (==).

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Returns the players attack speed from the tab list info. If no attack speed info can be found return null.

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fun getDungeonClass(tabEntries: List<Pair<NetworkPlayerInfo, String>>, playerName: String = mc.thePlayer.name): String?
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fun Any?.identicalToOneOf(vararg other: Any): Boolean

Checks whether any of the inputs in other fulfils referential equality (===).

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fun isValidEtherwarpPos(obj: MovingObjectPosition): Boolean
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fun leftClick()
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fun leftClickWindow(windowId: Int, index: Int)

Left clicks the specified slot.

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fun middleClickWindow(windowId: Int, index: Int)

Middle clicks the specified slot.

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fun playLoudSound(sound: String?, volume: Float, pitch: Float)

Taken from Skytils: Taken from SkyblockAddons under MIT License https://github.com/BiscuitDevelopment/SkyblockAddons/blob/master/LICENSE

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fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.removeIf(filter: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> Boolean): Boolean
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fun renderText(text: String, x: Int, y: Int, scale: Double = 1.0, color: Int = 16777215)
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fun shiftClickWindow(windowId: Int, index: Int)

Shift left clicks the specified slot.

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fun timeFormat(long: Long): String

Returns a string formatted for minutes and seconds from a value

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fun windowClick(windowId: Int, index: Int, button: Int, mode: Int)

Performs a click on the specified slot.


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val EntityPlayerSP.flooredPosition: BlockPos

Returns the actual block pos of the player. The value obtained by .position is shifted by 0.5 before flooring.

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Referenced in the sound manager hook.

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val Minecraft.timer: Timer