
class ClickGUI : GuiScreen

Main class of the Click GUI.

Provides the gui which can be viewed in game.

This class dispatches all rendering and input actions to the components of the GUI.

Structure of the GUI is: ClickGUI ->Panels ->ModuleButtons ->Elements. Each component of the gui handles it own actions and dispatches them to its subcomponents.

Partially based on HeroCode's gui. The only reference to it, and my source for it is this YouTube video.




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fun ClickGUI()


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object Companion


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open override fun confirmClicked(result: Boolean, id: Int)
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open override fun doesGuiPauseGame(): Boolean
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open fun drawBackground(tint: Int)
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open fun drawCenteredString(fontRendererIn: FontRenderer, text: String, x: Int, y: Int, color: Int)
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open override fun drawScreen(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float)

Dispatches all rendering for the GUI.

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open fun drawString(fontRendererIn: FontRenderer, text: String, x: Int, y: Int, color: Int)
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open fun drawTexturedModalRect(xCoord: Int, yCoord: Int, textureSprite: TextureAtlasSprite, widthIn: Int, heightIn: Int)
open fun drawTexturedModalRect(xCoord: Float, yCoord: Float, minU: Int, minV: Int, maxU: Int, maxV: Int)
open fun drawTexturedModalRect(x: Int, y: Int, textureX: Int, textureY: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
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open fun drawWorldBackground(tint: Int)
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open fun handleInput()
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open override fun handleMouseInput()

Handles scrolling.

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open override fun initGui()
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open override fun onGuiClosed()
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open fun onResize(mcIn: Minecraft, w: Int, h: Int)
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open fun sendChatMessage(msg: String)
open fun sendChatMessage(msg: String, addToChat: Boolean)
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open fun setGuiSize(w: Int, h: Int)
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open fun setWorldAndResolution(mc: Minecraft, width: Int, height: Int)
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open fun updateScreen()


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Used to create the advanced menu for modules

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var height: Int
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var mc: Minecraft
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var scale: Double = 2.0
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var width: Int