
abstract class Element<S : Setting<*>>(val parent: ModuleButton, val setting: S, val type: ElementType)

Parent class to the settings elements in the click gui.




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fun <S : Setting<*>> Element(parent: ModuleButton, setting: S, type: ElementType)


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object Companion


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fun drawScreen(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float): Int

Sets up the rendering of the element and dispatches rendering of the individual implementations.

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open fun keyTyped(typedChar: Char, keyCode: Int): Boolean

Overridden in the elements to enable key detection.

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open fun mouseClicked(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, mouseButton: Int): Boolean

Handles mouse clicks on the Element. To be overridden in the implementations.

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open fun mouseReleased(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, state: Int)
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fun update()

Updates the height of the Element based on extended.


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var extended: Boolean = false
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var height: Int

Height of the complete element included optional dropdown.

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var listening: Boolean = false
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val setting: S
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val width: Int
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var x: Int = 2

Relative position of this element in respect to parent.

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Absolute position of the panel on the screen.

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var y: Int = 0

Relative position of this element in respect to parent.

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Absolute position of the panel on the screen.


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