
object EditHudGUI : GuiScreen

The GUI for editing the positions and scale of HUD elements.




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fun addHUDElements(newElements: List<HudElement>)
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open override fun confirmClicked(result: Boolean, id: Int)
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open fun drawBackground(tint: Int)
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open fun drawCenteredString(fontRendererIn: FontRenderer, text: String, x: Int, y: Int, color: Int)
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open override fun drawScreen(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float)

Draw a previes of all hud elements, regardless of whether they are visible.

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open fun drawString(fontRendererIn: FontRenderer, text: String, x: Int, y: Int, color: Int)
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open fun drawTexturedModalRect(xCoord: Int, yCoord: Int, textureSprite: TextureAtlasSprite, widthIn: Int, heightIn: Int)
open fun drawTexturedModalRect(xCoord: Float, yCoord: Float, minU: Int, minV: Int, maxU: Int, maxV: Int)
open fun drawTexturedModalRect(x: Int, y: Int, textureX: Int, textureY: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
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open fun drawWorldBackground(tint: Int)
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open fun handleInput()
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open override fun handleMouseInput()
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open fun initGui()
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open override fun onGuiClosed()
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open fun onResize(mcIn: Minecraft, w: Int, h: Int)
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open fun sendChatMessage(msg: String)
open fun sendChatMessage(msg: String, addToChat: Boolean)
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open fun setGuiSize(w: Int, h: Int)
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open fun setWorldAndResolution(mc: Minecraft, width: Int, height: Int)
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open fun updateScreen()


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var height: Int
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var mc: Minecraft
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var width: Int