
Display a warp timer for dungoen warp cooldowns.




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fun addSettings(vararg setArray: Setting<*>)

Adds all settings in the input to the settings field of the module. This is required for saving and loading these settings to / from a file. Keep in mind, that these settings are passed by reference, which will get lost if the original setting is reassigned.

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Triggers the module initialization.

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Loads self registering elements of the module such as hud elements.

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fun onChat(event: ClientChatReceivedEvent)

Registers the warp through the chat message. Also registers who warped the party.

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open override fun onDisable()

This method is run whenever the module is disabled.

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open fun onEnable()

This method is run whenever the module is enabled.

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open override fun onInitialize()

Register this class to the event bus if trackInBackground is enabled.

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open fun onKeyBind()

This method is run whenever the key-bind for the Module is pressed.

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fun onTick(event: TickEvent.ClientTickEvent)

Updates the cool downs and removes finished cool down from the list. Also plays a sound when the own cool down is over.

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fun <K : Setting<*>> register(setting: K): K

Registers the setting to this Module. This will make the setting appear in the GUI and save to the config. The following is an example of how it can be used to define a setting for a module.

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fun toggle()

Will toggle the module.

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operator fun <K : Setting<*>> K.unaryPlus(): K

Overloads the unaryPlus operator for Setting classes to register them to the module. The following is an example of how it can be used to define a setting for a module.


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A description of the module and its usage that is shown in the Advanced GUI.

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Do NOT set this value directly, use toggle() instead!

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Key code of the corresponding key bind. Mouse binds will be negative: -100 + mouse button. This is the same way as minecraft treats mouse binds.

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