Auto Water
A module to automatically complete the water board puzzle in one flow.
It does not actively scan the board to calculate the best path but instead uses preset solutions. It will not work when the board is not in a default state or is being messed with while being solved.
All 10 possible configuration that have exactly 3 gates closed. also contains the gate states as values, but that is probably not necessary
Provides all the lever related actions.
Adds all settings in the input to the settings field of the module. This is required for saving and loading these settings to / from a file. Keep in mind, that these settings are passed by reference, which will get lost if the original setting is reassigned.
Triggers the module initialization.
Loads self registering elements of the module such as hud elements.
This method will be run on the FMLLoadCompleteEvent on game startup after the config is loaded.
Registers when a lever is clicked. Used to start auto water when flicking the start lever.
PostMove is used for interacting with the levers.
Pre move is used for positioning.
Reset on warp