
A collection of methods for handling everything related to modifying the data for autoactions.

There are methods for adding and removing actions to and from the config. There are also methods for modifying already stored data, such as clearing a room or rotating faulty data. Lastly there are methods for coordinate transformations.



See also


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fun addClip(args: List<Double>)
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fun addEther(args: List<Double>)
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Clears all extras blocks in the current room.

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Clears all auto clips in the current room.

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Clears all auto etherwarps in the current room.

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fun getKey(vec: Vec3, roomX: Int, roomZ: Int, rotation: Int): MutableList<Int>

Returns a mutbale list of 3 Integers representing the players position in the current room. BlockPos or Vec3i would probably be the better data format, but list was chosen, because it is easier to serialize.

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fun getRelativeCoords(vec: Vec3, roomX: Int, roomZ: Int, rotation: Int): Vec3

Gets the relative player position in a room

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fun getRotatedCoords(blockPos: BlockPos, rotation: Int): Vec3
fun getRotatedCoords(vec: Vec3, rotation: Int): Vec3

Returns the real rotations of the given vec in a room with given rotation. To get the relative rotation inside a room use 360 - rotation.

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fun onWarp(event: WorldEvent.Load)
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fun removeClip(args: List<Double>)
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fun removeEther(args: List<Double>)
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fun rotateBlocks(rotation: Int = 90)

Rotates the extras blocks data in the current room.

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fun rotateClips(rotation: Int = 90)

Rotates the clip data in the current room by 90°.

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fun rotateEther(rotation: Int = 90)

Rotates the auto ether data in the current room.

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fun Vec3.toCoords(): String
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fun Vec3.toIntCoords(): String
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Undos the last clearBlocks action.

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Undos the last clearClip action.

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Undos the last clearEther action.