
object RoomUtils

A collection of methods for dungeon room specific information.

These include coordinate transformations and obtaining the correct data from config files.




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Gets the auto action data for the specified room (this can also be a region). If none exits it will create a blank entry.

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Gets the extras data for the specified room (this can also be a region). If none exits it will create a blank entry.

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fun getRealPos(blockPos: BlockPos, roomPair: Pair<Room, Int>): BlockPos

Transforms the given room relative coordinates to absolute coordinates.

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fun getRelativePos(blockPos: BlockPos, roomPair: Pair<Room, Int>): BlockPos

Transforms the given blockPos in absolute world coordinates to the corresponding room relative position for the given room with given rotation.

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Gets the auto action data for the specified room (this can also be a region).

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Fetches information about the Tile with the given core from the rooms resource rooms.json.

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Gets the extras data for the specified room (this can also be a region).

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fun getRotatedPos(blockPos: BlockPos, rotation: Int): BlockPos

Rotates the given blockPos for a room with rotation to rotation 0.

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fun getRotatedPosSet(posSet: MutableSet<BlockPos>, rotation: Int): MutableSet<BlockPos>

Rotates the coordinates within the given posSet for a room with rotation to rotation 0.

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