
object ChatUtils

A collection of utility functions for creating and sending or displaying chat messages.

Use chatMessage to put messages in chat which are only visible locally and are not sent to the server.

Use modMessage for client side messages in chat that start with mods chat prefix.

Use sendChat for sending a player message to the server.

Use command to execute commands either client side or send them to the server.




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fun chatMessage(iChatComponent: IChatComponent)
fun chatMessage(text: String, reformat: Boolean = true)

Print a message in chat client side.

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fun command(text: String, clientSide: Boolean = true)

Runs the specified command. Per default sends it to the server but has client side option. The input is assumed to not include the slash "/" that signals a command.

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fun createHoverableText(text: String, hoverText: String): IChatComponent

Creates a new IChatComponent displaying text and showing hoverText when it is hovered. hoverText can include "\n" for new lines.

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fun modMessage(iChatComponent: IChatComponent)
fun modMessage(text: String, reformat: Boolean = true)

Puts a message in chat client side with the mod prefix.

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fun sendChat(message: String)

Send player message to the server.

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Remove control codes from the receiver with the vanilla function for it.


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val RED: String
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