
fun drawCustomSizedBoxAt(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, size: Double, color: Color, thickness: Float = 3.0f, phase: Boolean = true, relocate: Boolean = true)

Draws a cube outline starting at x, y, z which extends by size into the positive direction along those axes.



Determines whether the box should be visible through walls (disables the depth test).


Translates the coordinates to account for the camera position. See WorldRenderUtils for more information.

fun drawCustomSizedBoxAt(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, xWidth: Double, yHeight: Double, zWidth: Double, color: Color, thickness: Float = 3.0f, phase: Boolean = true, relocate: Boolean = true)

Draws a cube outline starting at x, y, z which extends by xWidth, yHeight, zWidth into the positive direction along the respective axes.



Determines whether the box should be visible through walls (disables the depth test).


Translates the coordinates to account for the camera position. See WorldRenderUtils for more information.