
object ItemUtils

A collection of methods for accessing NBT data of Skyblock items.

Based on SBC by Harry282




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fun prettyPrintNBT(nbt: NBTBase): String

Converts an NBT tag into a pretty-printed string.


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val ItemStack?.hasAbility: Boolean

Checks whether the item has a right click ability.

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val ItemStack.isDungeonMobDrop: Boolean
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val ItemStack.isRarityUpgraded: Boolean
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val ItemStack?.isShortbow: Boolean

Checks the item's lore for whether it is a shortbow.

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val ItemStack.isStarred: Boolean
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val ItemStack.itemID: String

The skyblock item ID

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val ItemStack.lore: List<String>
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val ItemStack.rarityBoost: Int?
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val ItemStack?.reforge: String