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fun interact()

Gets run by the EntityPlayerSP mixin to perform the fake action.

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fun queueLeftClickSlot(yaw: Float, pitch: Float, itemSlot: Int = mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem, swingItem: Boolean = true): FakeAction

Queues a left click action with the specified slot and the given rotation for the next availiable tick.

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fun queueRightClickSlot(yaw: Float, pitch: Float, itemSlot: Int = mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem, forceSneak: Boolean = false): FakeAction

Queues a right click action with the specified slot and the given rotation for the next availiable tick.

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fun reset()

Removes the completed action from the queue

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fun stageLeftClickSlot(yaw: Double, pitch: Double, itemSlot: Int = mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem, swingItem: Boolean = true): FakeAction
fun stageLeftClickSlot(yaw: Float, pitch: Float, itemSlot: Int = mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem, swingItem: Boolean = true): FakeAction

Stages a left click action with the specified slot and the given rotation for this tick.

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fun stageRightClickSlot(yaw: Double, pitch: Double, itemSlot: Int = mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem, forceSneak: Boolean = false): FakeAction
fun stageRightClickSlot(yaw: Float, pitch: Float, itemSlot: Int = mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem, forceSneak: Boolean = false): FakeAction

Stages a right click action with the specified slot and the given rotation for this tick.


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var doAction: Boolean = false

Indicates whether a fake action is already staged for this tick. Use this and Subscribe event priority to avoid conflicts with different fake actions.