
Provides a color selector element for the advanced gui.




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fun AdvancedElementColor(parent: AdvancedMenu, module: Module, setting: ColorSetting)


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fun drawScreen(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float)
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open override fun keyTyped(typedChar: Char, keyCode: Int): Boolean

Check for arrow keys to move the slider by one increment.

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open override fun mouseClicked(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, mouseButton: Int): Boolean

Handles interaction with this element. Returns true if interacted with the element to cancel further interactions.

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open override fun mouseReleased(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, state: Int)

Stops slider action on mouse release

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open override fun renderElement(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float): Int

Renders the element

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fun setDimensions(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
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fun setPosition(x: Int, y: Int)


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var height: Int

Height of the entire element consisting of the setting and description. Essentially the height of the higher one of the two

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Height of the Setting without the description text.

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Width of the Setting without the description text.

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var width: Int

Width of the entire element consisting of the setting and description.

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var x: Int
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var y: Int