
open class BlockRenderer

This class is for the most part a copy of parts from net.minecraft.client.renderer.BlockModelRenderer. Unfortunately this is necessary because Optifine and Forge both override a lot of code related to that class. While forges override can be disabled, I don't know how to disable optifines override. It was not feasible to sort all of that out with just mixins so that's why this exists.



See also


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open fun renderModel(blockAccessIn: IBlockAccess, modelIn: IBakedModel, blockStateIn: IBlockState, blockPosIn: BlockPos, worldRendererIn: WorldRenderer): Boolean
open fun renderModel(blockAccessIn: IBlockAccess, modelIn: IBakedModel, blockStateIn: IBlockState, blockPosIn: BlockPos, worldRendererIn: WorldRenderer, checkSides: Boolean): Boolean
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open fun renderModelStandard(blockAccessIn: IBlockAccess, modelIn: IBakedModel, blockIn: Block, blockPosIn: BlockPos, worldRendererIn: WorldRenderer, checkSides: Boolean): Boolean